with Power, Skill, & Focus

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Intro Image: The Magician - with Power, Skill, and Focus

Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc.

The Magician tarot card meaning is all about deliberate action. The Magician is magic but not in the miracles happen way; in the work hard and gets things done way.

The Magician is all about the creative process. But they don’t stop at the ideas; they take action to turn those intangible ideas into something tangible.

The magician doesn’t accept powerlessness. They believe that with skill and focus they can create a successful (and powerful) life.

Magicians are secretive and don’t share their ideas with others easily. Sometimes this causes the Magician to miss collaborative opportunities so be careful!

Take a look at the Rider-Waite Magician card displayed to the left (or above).

What is your first impression?

Who is the magician? What are they doing? What are they holding? What is on the table and why? Why is there an infinity symbol about their head?

There’s no right or wrong answer here, just your interpretation.

Astrology: Mercury
Element: Air
Numerology: 1 (new beginnings, opportunities, fresh starts)

Common Symbols

  • the Four Elements (earth, air, water, fire) to represent access to resources
  • a Magic Wand to represent the ability to channel energy

Keywords & Concepts

  • Power
  • Focus
  • Skill
  • Secrets
  • Independence
  • Willpower
  • Creation
  • Desire
  • Hard Work
  • Energy

the Magician for Personal Growth

Shrug off your self-doubts and apply your special insights or talents. Act confidently and feelings of confidence will follow.

Ask Yourself:

  • What are you empowered to do?
  • How might your abilities come into play?
  • To what extent are you making the most of your talents?
  • How might direct action or reinvention aid you?
  • Which tool do you need today?
  • How would access to infinite power change your situation? What would you do?

Interpreting the Magician

When the Magician appears it means it’s time to make things happen. You’ll be taking the drivers seat and using your intellect, willpower, and skills to do things. You won’t be sitting back and letting things happen to you.

The Reversed Magician

How you read reversals is a personal choice. You can ignore reversals and read them as if the card is upright (this is what I often choose to do) or you can interpret reversals as variations of what they would mean upright. There are 3 common ways to read reversals: as a negative interpretation, as an opposite interpretation, or as a block on the upright interpretation. Check out How to Read Reversals for more information.

Negative: A negative reversed Magician suggests that someone is trying to manipulate you to make things happen for them. Be careful right now.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Magician means that now is not the time to be forcing things to happen. Watch carefully before you proceed.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Magician indicates self-doubt is preventing you from embracing your power for an excellent opportunity.

Examples of the Magician

Specific Interpretations

Specific situations are the general interpretation (from above) used for a specific situation (love, career, etc). There is no need to memorize these (or even look them up) if you understand the general interpretation. However, here are some basic interpretations for some specific situations:

Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the upright Magician suggests positive developments.

If you’re in a relationship, the Magician represents a stronger commitment through a deepening of the relationship.

If you’re single, the Magician suggests it’s time to get out there and meet someone new.


Negative: A negative reversed Magician suggests negative developments in your love life. Be careful!

Opposite: An opposite reversed Magician means negative developments in your love life. 

Blocked: A blocked reversed Magician indicates a lack of openness. If you’re in a relationship, you & your partner need to be more open and honest with one another. If you’re single, you might be on the verge of cynicism and bitterness. Stay positive about relationships and your future.

Professional Life

Look out for new & challenging opportunities. Big things are coming but you’ll have to be bold and work hard to see the results.


Negative: A negative reversed Magician suggests some negative opportunities are coming your way. Don’t let yourself be tricked into taking them.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Magician means a staleness exists in your life. You need to shake things up and find something to excite your passion.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Magician indicates something is preventing you from seeing the opportunities in front of you or from putting in the work necessary to see results.

Health & Wellness

If you’ve been recently ill, you’re about to recover but you may need to seek out an alternative treatment to do so.

The Magician often symbolizes strong psychic abilities. If you’re interested in your psychic development, now is a great time to focus on it.


Negative: A negative reversed Magician suggests that you should seek professional help for what ails you.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Magician means that you should seek professional help for what ails you.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Magician indicates you are preventing your own healing. What mental block is preventing you from embracing the necessary treatment or help you need?

the Magician Tarot Card Meaning

Pin This: 1 the Magician - with power, skill & focus

The Magician works with power, skill, and focus to get what they want. Do you? What do you want? Make a plan and be magician-like and follow through!

Once you feel comfortable with the Magician tarot card meaning, check out the next card in the tarot deck: II – the High Priestess Tarot Meaning.


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