your unique blend

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Intro Image: Temperance - your unique blend

Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc.

Temperance represents the place where dualities are meet and merge.

The phrase, “shades of grey” is an excellent analogy for the Temperance card.  Temperance is not black nor white, it’s found in the middle where the colors blur together to make shades of grey.

Temperance is knowing how much black and how much white you need to get the perfect shade of grey.

For example, plants need sunlight and water. Too much sunlight and the plants dry out or burn. Too much water and the plants drown. Too little sunlight or water means not enough nutrients and the plants die. To keep your plants alive you need the right balance of water and sunlight.

Ultimately, Temperance is a card of balance, moderation, and blending that is unique to each of us.

Take a look at the Rider-Waite Temperance displayed to the left (or above).

What is your first impression?

Who is this person? What are they doing? Where are they? Why are they pouring water from one cup to another? What does the other imagery say to you?

There’s no right or wrong answer here, just your interpretation.

Astrology: Sagittarius
Element: Fire
Numerology: 14 = 1+4=5 (resistance, confrontation, instability)

Common Symbols

  • Sunrise to represent a new day
  • a Non-Gendered Being to represent transcending the duality of gender
  • Water to represent intuition

Keywords & Concepts

  • Balance
  • Harmony
  • Nonbinary
  • Integration
  • Self-Care
  • Middle Path
  • Patience
  • Moderation
  • Peace
  • Blending

Temperance for Personal Growth

oung people want to toss out tradition and forge ahead. Older people are more conservative. Between these extremes lies a healthier middle ground. Define the polarities and then ask, “What lies between?” 

Ask Yourself:

  • How can you avoid extremes?
  • What does everyone involved have in common?
  • How might combining familiar things help you create something new?
  • What meaning do your possessions have beyond their physical value?
  • How might blending two opposites resolve your challenge today?
  • A dive-in-or-get-off-the-dock assumes extremes are the only option. Are they?
  • What would happen if you reduced your situation to its most basic components?

Interpreting Temperance

Temperance appears to represent moderation. Now is not the time to engage in extremes: choices, activities, changes, etc. Look for moderation in all things right now.

Temperance suggests that you look for the calm, tamp down the extreme highs and lows of your life, and move into a place of harmony. 

Reversed Temperance

How you read reversals is a personal choice. You can ignore reversals and read them as if the card is upright (this is what I often choose to do) or you can interpret reversals as variations of what they would mean upright. There are 3 common ways to read reversals: as a negative interpretation, as an opposite interpretation, or as a block on the upright interpretation. Check out How to Read Reversals for more information.

Negative: A negative reversed Temperance suggests an imbalance. Are ignoring the bigger picture of your life in favour of instant gratification or short-term gain? Take stock of your life are you behaving recklessly or indulging excessively (especially in things that are truly harmful like drugs, gambling, overeating, etc)? Be honest and critical with yourself or you’re likely to end up hurt.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Temperance means an imbalance. Are ignoring the bigger picture of your life in favour of instant gratification or short-term gain? Take stock of your life are you behaving recklessly or indulging excessively (especially in things that are truly harmful like drugs, gambling, overeating, etc)? Be honest and critical with yourself or you’re likely to end up hurt.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Temperance indicates something is preventing you from achieving a truly balanced life. Examine your behaviour to find the root cause so you can work on achieving harmony in your life.

Examples of Temperance

Specific Interpretations

Specific situations are the general interpretation (from above) used for a specific situation (love, career, etc). There is no need to memorize these (or even look them up) if you understand the general interpretation. However, here are some basic interpretations for some specific situations:

Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, Temperance is one of the best cards in the Tarot deck. It represents balance, harmony, and love. It is often a symbol of soulmates.

If you’re in a relationship, Temperance represents a solid one. You and your partner have found (or will shortly find) balance, love, commitment, and respect in whatever way suits you both. If there are outstanding issues in your relationship, expect to resolve them soon.

If you’re single, Temperance suggests you’re ready (or will be very soon) to adjust the balance of your life to make room for a partner. The right partner – for you – is a real possibility.


Negative: A negative reversed Temperance suggests conflict and a lack of balance in your relationships. There’s an unequal give and take that needs to be examined and corrected. 

Opposite: An opposite reversed Temperance means conflict and a lack of balance in your relationships. There’s an unequal give and take that needs to be examined and corrected. 

Blocked: A blocked reversed Temperance indicates something is preventing you from achieving the balance necessary for satisfying relationships.

Professional Life

Professionally, Temperance indicates an excellent work-life balance. However, that doesn’t mean you should rest on your laurels. You have such great balance right now that it’s a great time to set some stretch goals to work towards.

Be careful not to jump into anything too extreme though.


Negative: A negative reversed Temperance suggests that your work-life balance is harmfully out of sync. You need to work on the balance between your work and life; you cannot throw yourself fully into one and neglect the other.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Temperance means that your work-life balance is out of sync. You need to work on the balance between your work and life; you cannot throw yourself fully into one and neglect the other.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Temperance indicates something is preventing you from achieving a healthy work-life balance.

Health & Wellness

Moderation in all things – including your health – is the ideal right now. This is a great time to try and break (or reduce) any bad habits you might be hanging on to.

Evaluate the areas of your life where you may be over (or under) doing it and try to rebalance them.


Negative: A negative reversed Temperance suggests that you are engaging in behaviour that is harmful or unhealthy. You need to find the root causes of your issues and correct your unhealthy behaviours to bring your health into balance.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Temperance means that you are out of balance somewhere and it’s causing negative health problems (mental and/or physical). 

Blocked: A blocked reversed Temperance indicates something is preventing you from achieving a healthy, balanced life.

Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

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Who are you? Temperance is about the unique blend of things that represent you.

Once you feel comfortable with Temperance tarot card meaning, check out the next card in the tarot deck: XV – the Devil Tarot Card Meaning.


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