just wait

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Intro Image: the Hanged Man - just wait

Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc.

The Hanged Man represents patience. Waiting is an undervalued skill in our world. We typically prefer action because waiting, doing nothing, and having patience are hard. It’s hard to hold back. Unless you’re the Hanged Man.

The Hanged Man prefers to sit back and wait. He has the courage to be idle. He has the discipline not to rush. He has the self-respect to give things time.

Take a look at the Rider-Waite Hanged Man displayed to the left (or above).

What is your first impression?

Who is this person? What are they doing? Where are they? What does the imagery say to you?

There’s no right or wrong answer here, just your interpretation.

Astrology: Neptune
Element: Water
Numerology: 12 = 1+2=3 (productivity, results)

Common Symbols

  • Hanging Upside Down to represent independence
  • a Halo to represent enlightenment

Keywords & Concepts

  • Passivity
  • Holding Back
  • Patience
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Inner Peace
  • Independence
  • Sacrifice
  • Release
  • Pause

the Hanged Man for Personal Growth

One sign of maturity is your ability to deal effectively with the unexpected. Rather than be decimated, look for the lesson. If you’re true to your own values, no disaster will get the best of you.

Ask Yourself:

  • How can you radically alter your perspective?
  • How might being stuck actually be a blessing in disguise?
  • How can you help yourself see the glass as half full?
  • Are you bound to any old habits that, in this situation, betray you?
  • What would be your most prudent course of action now?
  • What have your own trials taught you? How might those lessons apply now?

Interpreting the Hanged Man

When the Hanged Man appears you need to exercise patience. Whatever is happening in your life, give yourself the time needed to truly relax and process things.

Now is not the time to make a rushed or impulsive decision. Now is not the time to try and control things. Now is the time to wait and see.

The Reversed Hanged Man

How you read reversals is a personal choice. You can ignore reversals and read them as if the card is upright (this is what I often choose to do) or you can interpret reversals as variations of what they would mean upright. There are 3 common ways to read reversals: as a negative interpretation, as an opposite interpretation, or as a block on the upright interpretation. Check out How to Read Reversals for more information.

Negative: A negative reversed Hanged Man suggests that you’ve already made a rushed or impulsive decision and are about to pay for it. It might not be too late to reverse your fate.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Hanged Man means you need to make a decision. Don’t wait too long or you’ll regret it.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Hanged Man indicates something is preventing you from waiting. This might be internal (anxiety, impatience) or external (a deadline).

Examples of the Hanged Man

Specific Interpretations

Specific situations are the general interpretation (from above) used for a specific situation (love, career, etc). There is no need to memorize these (or even look them up) if you understand the general interpretation. However, here are some basic interpretations for some specific situations:

Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the Hanged Man is about assessment and evaluation. However, it is not about making decisions. Once you’ve assessed things, you should wait and think deeply about it before making any changes.

If you’re in a relationship, the Hanged Man represents a need to step back from your relationship and assess it. Is it heading in the direction you desire? Are your feelings strong and true? What is your perception of the relationship?

If you’re single, the Hanged Man suggests a self-evaluation to determine why you’re single and what you want in a relationship (or if you want one at all).


Negative: A negative reversed Hanged Man suggests that you’ve been repeating the same negative patterns in your relationship. It’s time to slow down and figure out why.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Hanged Man implies that you’re holding on to something. This is not the time to ignore negative signs, you should take action.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Hanged Man indicates something is preventing you from honestly assessing your situation. What are you worried about learning?

Professional Life

Professionally, the Hanged Man suggests an uncertainty that you shouldn’t rush to solve or figure out. Relax and see what happens, things will clear up over time if you’re patient.


Negative: A negative reversed Hanged Man suggests fear. You’re afraid of something negative so you’ve rushed into something to avoid your fear. But this is the wrong course! Rushing or reckless decisions right now will be very costly, it may not be too late to reverse course.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Hanged Man means that you’ve lost control of your professional life. Taking a wait and see approach is likely to just make things worse. You need to take action.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Hanged Man indicates something is preventing you from waiting. This might be internal (anxiety, impatience) or external (a deadline).

Health & Wellness

When it comes to your health, the Hanged Man suggests you need time to heal or get well. Your health is not going to improve overnight!


Negative: A negative reversed Hanged Man suggests a major health issue that will be slow to improve. Consider all your treatment options!

Opposite: An opposite reversed Hanged Man means that the best treatment might be right in front of you. Why have you ignored it for so long?

Blocked: A blocked reversed Hanged Man indicates something is preventing you from granting yourself the time necessary to heal.

the Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning

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The Hanged Man is all about patience. If you just wait, good things can happen. Get in touch with your inner Hanged Man by trying (or deepening) meditation!

Once you feel comfortable with the Hanged Man tarot card meaning, check out the next card in the tarot deck: XIII – Death Tarot Card Meaning.


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