continuous motion

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Intro Image: the Wheel of Fortune - continuous motion

Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc.

The Wheel of Fortune represents the constant motion of life. It is about fate and destiny, free will and responsibility. It is about change and the interconnectedness of every aspect of life.

Things happen. But why? And who is in charge?

There’s no simple or direct answer and that’s the purpose of the Wheel of Fortune. It reminds you that much of your life is outside your control, based on luck or opportunity: the privileges you were born with (or without), they way you were raised, nurtured, and socialized, the country you were born in and the government in charge at that time, and more. But the Wheel of Fortune doesn’t stop there. It also reminds you that much of your life is based on your own choices and actions: what things did you ignore and which did you embrace, where have you focused your energy, who have you spent time with, and more. 

Thus, the Wheel of Fortune tells us that life is constantly in motion and we must act to keep up with its movements. Changes – or opportunities for changes – are all around us, influenced by all aspects of everything. The Wheel of Fortune sees and understands all of it.

Take a look at the Rider-Waite Wheel of Fortune displayed to the left (or above).

What is your first impression?

What do the images mean to you? Why are some holding books? What creatures are featured? Why? What do the symbols on the wheel say to you?

There’s no right or wrong answer here, just your interpretation.

Astrology: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Numerology: 10 (finality, completion, exhaustion)

Common Symbols

  • A Wheel to represent the constant turning of life.

Keywords & Concepts

  • Change
  • Luck
  • Predictions
  • Prophesies
  • Destiny
  • Responsibility
  • Interconnectedness
  • Big Picture
  • Never stopping
  • Opportunity

the Wheel of Fortune for Personal Growth

The actions you take today will influence your reality for days and years to come. Making wise choices now can free you from the unpleasant business of enduring repercussions further down the road.

Ask Yourself:

  • How does this challenge fit into a larger pattern?
  • What role does luck play in your circumstances?
  • What can you control? How should you know when to relinquish control?
  • Where are you in the Wheel’s cycle?
  • What might happen if you rearranged the basic elements of your situation?
  • In your situation, what time has finally come?
  • What strategy would help you most: tracing roots, communication, sacrifice, or mystery?

Interpreting the Wheel of Fortune

When the Wheel of Fortune appears it signifies big positive changes. 

Expect some good luck and everything to work together to favour you and your goals. Make the most of this period because the Wheel never stops moving which means your luck won’t last forever.

The Reversed Wheel of Fortune

How you read reversals is a personal choice. You can ignore reversals and read them as if the card is upright (this is what I often choose to do) or you can interpret reversals as variations of what they would mean upright. There are 3 common ways to read reversals: as a negative interpretation, as an opposite interpretation, or as a block on the upright interpretation. Check out How to Read Reversals for more information.

Negative: A negative reversed Wheel of Fortune suggests big changes that are unwelcome. Expect bad luck but don’t let it get you too down because it won’t last forever.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Wheel of Fortune means some big – and negative – changes. Unlike a negative reversal or a positive card, this is not related to luck. Your luck is neutral right now. Your decisions, choices, and actions are what lead to the negative changes in your life. 

Blocked: A blocked reversed Wheel of Fortune indicates missed opportunities. Amazing things could be happening in your life right now, but you’re not open to the possibilities. Embrace your luck before it passes you by.

Examples of the Wheel of Fortune

Specific Interpretations

Specific situations are the general interpretation (from above) used for a specific situation (love, career, etc). There is no need to memorize these (or even look them up) if you understand the general interpretation. However, here are some basic interpretations for some specific situations:

Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the Wheel of Fortune is a card of positive change, although that doesn’t always mean easy.

If you’re in a relationship, the Wheel of Fortune represents changes to improve your life. This might be to improve your relationship or it might be an ending. Whatever happens will be best for you, personally.

If you’re single, the Wheel of Fortune suggests good luck is coming in your love life. Embrace the luck but don’t be reckless with it. You could find your soulmate if you choose wisely.


Negative: A negative reversed Wheel of Fortune suggests negative change. Your situation is about to experience setbacks that will be difficult to get out of.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Wheel of Fortune means stagnation. Nothing is changing right now. Nothing has changed recently. Nothing is going to change anytime soon. This could be good or bad, it really depends on your circumstances.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Wheel of Fortune indicates a resistance to positive change. Something is preventing you from allowing your relationship (or lack thereof) from changing for the better.

Professional Life

Professionally, big changes are coming and they’re usually good ones. Now is the time to change careers, go back to school, start your own business, or apply for that promotion.


Negative: A negative reversed Wheel of Fortune suggests some negative changes are coming. Now is not the time to make a rash decision about your career, education, or finances.

Opposite: An opposite reversed Wheel of Fortune means stagnation. Nothing is changing right now. Nothing has changed recently. Nothing is going to change anytime soon. This could be good or bad, but typically a stagnating career is a negative.

Blocked: A blocked reversed Wheel of Fortune indicates something – self-doubt, money troubles, family pressures, etc – is preventing you from embracing the life-changing opportunities around you.

Health & Wellness

The Wheel of Fortune is bringing changes to your health. Stay on top of your health issues right now and you’ll wind up okay.


A negative, opposite, or blocked reversed Wheel of Fortune all offer the same message. Changes to your health are coming. Stay on top of it.

the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

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The Wheel of Fortune never stops moving, it represents continuous motion. This is a great time to experiment with something temporary.

Once you feel comfortable with the Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning, check out the next card in the tarot deck: XI – Justice Tarot Card Meaning.


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