considering options

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Intro: Two of Wands - considering options

Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc.

When determining the Two of Wands tarot card meaning, you should consider that it’s a Wand card and a Two. The Suit of Wands represents energy and inspiration. Twos represent debate, duality, or partnership.

In this way, we can determine that the Two of Wands represents options and choices to be considered.

How can you make the best choices? By being aware of your goals and having a clear picture of what matters the most.

There will be conflicts so it’s important that you know what criteria you’ll use to resolve them. Which things are most important?

Take a look at the Rider-Waite Two of Wands displayed to the left (or above).

What is your first impression?

Examine the card. What things do you notice? What do you think it means?

There’s no right or wrong answer here, just your interpretation.

Astrology: Mars in Aries
Element: Fire
Numerology: 2

Common Symbols

  • A Bolted Wand: One of the two wands is commonly bolted to a wall to represent being trapped in place. Are you trapped in some way and unable to make or develop new choices?
  • Rose & Lily Cross: the rose and lily cross represents a conflict of energies. Both sides are valid and worth exploring but in order to move forward, you must choose one.
  • A Globe Being Carried: the figure carries the whole world in its hands. The opportunities are abundant and there’s much to consider.

Keywords & Concepts

  • Conflict
  • Decision
  • Individuality
  • Option

The Two of Wands for Personal Growth

Affirmation: I will use my goals to make confident choices.

Resist peer-pressure (and other forms of oppressive conformity). Set your own standards for yourself and how you’ll live your life. The things that make you unique are the things worth celebrating, not hiding or conforming!

Ask Yourself:

  • What sets you apart or makes you unique?
  • In a conflict, how do you decide who wins?
  • What values govern your decision-making process?
  • What choice will you make if you make no choice at all?

Interpreting the Two of Wands

Generally, the Two of Wands represents not only having a choice but understanding that there’s more than one approach. As the saying goes, ‘there’s more than one way to skin a cat.’

The Two of Wands can represent a time of multi-tasking. You may also feel empowered to make choices.

The Reversed Two of Wands

How you read reversals is a personal choice. You can ignore reversals and read them as if the card is upright (this is what I often choose to do) or you can interpret reversals as variations of what they would mean upright. There are 3 common ways to read reversals: as a negative interpretation, as an opposite interpretation, or as a block on the upright interpretation. Check out How to Read Reversals for more information.

Typically, a reversed Two of Wands indicates misrepresentation and making poor choices. This can occur in many ways such as:

  • Doing one thing while desiring another
  • Changing course mid-stream for no good reason
  • Refusing to change your goal even when pursuing it no longer makes sense
  • Disregarding the input of others

Examples of the Two of Wands

Specific Interpretations

Specific situations are the general interpretation (from above) used for a specific situation (love, career, etc). There is no need to memorize these (or even look them up) if you understand the general interpretation. However, here are some basic interpretations for some specific situations:


What do you want from a relationship? Are your actions in line with those desires? Why or why not? What needs to change?

Your actions will demonstrate your inclinations. As the saying goes, ‘actions speak louder than words.’ You may be telling yourself one thing while behaving in a contradictory manner.


Now is a great time to examine your to-do list. Which items are consuming your time and energy but bring about little reward? Which items will move you closer to your personal goals?


Spirituality is something you have to decide for yourself. There are many practices and everyone will have an opinion. What are your views? Feel confidence in them!

the Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

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The Two of Wands tarot card meaning is all about considering options. Develop your goals and your decisions will be much easier to make.

Once you feel comfortable with the Two of Wands tarot card meaning, check out the next card in the tarot deck: the Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning.


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