simple spreads for everyone

Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc.

Tarot spreads don’t have to be complicated or hard to learn. Let’s check out 5 of my favorite easy 3-card tarot spreads that are great for beginners or experienced readers.

All of these 3 card spreads have the same basic premise: you lay out three cards in a row. You can generally read or ignore reversals as per your preference (learn about reading reversed tarot cards here), but, some spreads might call for deliberate reversals.

Five Easy 3 Card Spreads for Beginners

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#1: Past, Present, Future

This spread involves laying out three cards in a row (from left to right). The first card represents the past, the second card represents the future, and the third card represents a possible future opportunity or desire.

You can read reversed cards in any manner for this spread.

This tarot card spread can be performed daily as a general “what’s up today” reading or it can be done to answer specific questions.

Card One: the Past
The past card will represent events or situations from the past that are still influencing the present (and may continue to influence the future).
Ask Yourself: Where do you come from? What events or teachings have had a strong influence on you? How is your past affecting your present?

Card Two: the Present
The present card will offer insights into your current situation. This card cannot be interpreted alone, it works together with the past and the future cards.
Ask Yourself: What is happening with you right now? How is the past influencing your current state of mind? How might this influence the future?

Card Three: the Future
The future card is the most difficult of the three to interpret. It is not predictive. This isn’t fortune-telling. The future card can show a potential outcome, the direction you’re heading, or what you desire for the future.
Ask Yourself: Where am I going? How do I feel about it? What changes could I make today that would alter the future positively? negatively?

How you read reversals is a personal choice. You can ignore reversals and read them as if the card is upright (this is what I often choose to do) or you can interpret reversals as variations of what they would mean upright. There are 3 common ways to read reversals: as a negative interpretation, as an opposite interpretation, or as a block on the upright interpretation. Check out How to Read Reversals for more information.

#2: Situation, Obstacle, Advice

This spread involves laying out three cards in a row (from left to right). The first card represents the situation, the second card represents an obstacle, and the third card presents advice.

You can read reversed cards in any manner for this spread. However, I often prefer to place the cards deliberately: upright, reversed, upright.

This tarot card spread can be done generally to find out what situations and obstacles exist that you may be unaware of. It can also be done for specific situations.

Card One: the Situation
The situation card represents something that’s happening in your life right now. It may be something that you’re aware of, but it’s just as likely to be something that you’re unaware of or ignoring.
Ask Yourself: What situations are you aware of? How does the card relate? Is the card showing you something you’ve been ignoring/unaware of?

Card Two: an Obstacle
The obstacle card represents something that’s preventing you from resolving the situation. It could be internal or external. It’s not necessarily a big thing but it is a roadblock on your journey.
Ask Yourself: What is standing in your way? What are the problems, obstacles, roadblocks that could exist – both big and small?

Card Three: Advice
The advice card presents a potential solution to the obstacle so that you can resolve or move forward with the situation.
Ask Yourself: What can you do? How can you overcome the obstacle? What paths are available to you?

#3: Harms, Helps, Potential

This spread involves laying out three cards in a row (from left to right). The first card represents something that is harmful, the second card represents something that is helpful, and the third card represents your potential.

You can read reversed cards in any manner for this spread. However, I typically prefer to place the first and second cards deliberately: upright, reversed, any

This tarot card spread can be done as a general, “what’s up with my life” spread or it can be used for specific situations.

Card One: Harms
The harms card represents something in your life or situation that is harmful to you.
Ask Yourself: What negative effect is this card having on you? What problems or difficulties are you facing?

Card Two: Helps
The helps card represents something in your life or situation that is helpful to you.
Ask Yourself: What useful effects is this card having on you? What things are helpful to you right now?

Card Three: Potential
The potential card presents you with your potential. You could be, have, or do this.
Ask Yourself: What opportunities does this card represent? What potential for good exists? What potential for bad exists?

#4: Option, Option, Guidance

This spread involves laying out three cards in a row (from left to right). The first card represents an option, the second card represents a different option, and the third card presents guidance for choosing.

You can read reversed cards in any manner for this spread.

This tarot card spread should be done when you’re facing a situation and you’re unsure what to do.

Card One: Option One
The first option card represents one option available to you.
Ask Yourself: What is this card suggesting you do? How does that make you feel?

Card Two: Option Two
The second option card represents an alternative option available to you.
Ask Yourself: What is this card suggesting you do? How does that make you feel?

Card Three: Guidance
The guidance card presents advice to help you make the best choice of the two options.
Ask Yourself: Which option does this card relate to more? How does it make you feel?

#5: Stop, Start, Continue

This spread involves laying out three cards in a row (from left to right). The first card represents something you should stop, the second card represents something you should start, and the third card represents something you should continue.

You can read reversed cards in any manner for this spread.

This tarot card spread can be done at any time generally or you can ask about a more specific area of your life.

Card One: Stop
The stop card represents something in your life you should stop. It could be an action, behavior, hobby, relationship, etc.
Ask Yourself: What is this card suggesting you stop? Why do you think that is? How would your life change?

Card Two: Start
The start card represents something in your life you should start. It could be an action, behavior, hobby, relationship, etc.
Ask Yourself: What is this card suggesting you start? Why do you think that is? How would your life change?

Card Three: Continue
The start card represents something in your life you should continue. It could be an action, behavior, hobby, relationship, etc.
Ask Yourself: What is this card suggesting you continue? Why do you think that is? How would your life change?

Practice Reading Tarot Card Spreads

Here are three spreads you can practice reading (each one can be used as practice for all 5 spreads). Share your readings in the comments!

Practice 1:

3 Card Spread Example 1: 7 of Cups, High Priestess, 10 of Coins reversed

The first practice has:

Practice 2:

3 Card Spread Example 2: 10 of Swords, 5 of Coins (Reversed), King of Wands

The second practice has:

Practice 3:

3 Card Spread Example 3: Knight of Coins reversed, the Devil, Justice

The third practice has:

Easy Tarot Spreads for Beginners!

Pin This: 5 Easy 3-Card Tarot Spreads for Beginners

These 5 easy tarot card spreads for beginners (or experienced) readers all use three cards laid out in a row. What will your readings tell you? Share your practice interpretations in the comments!

Don’t miss How to Read Reversed Tarot Cards and learn how to find your preferred way to handle reversed cards.


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