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4 Ways to Read Reversed Tarot Cards

Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc.

Reversed tarot cards are so controversial!

If you’re a tarot newbie, the idea of making your own choices and choosing your own ideas can be intimidating. How do you choose the “right” way when there isn’t one?

If you’re beyond beginner, you’re probably a bit set in your reversal ways. There are other options though and good reasons to use them.

I’m going to walk you through 4 different strategies for reading reversed tarot cards.

#1: Ignoring Reversed Tarot Cards

I made this number one because this is mostly what I do.

You do not have to read reversals. Period. End of discussion. They do not have to be treated differently.

If you want, when a reversal appears, you can read it the exact same way you would if it was upright.

Many people (like myself) place our cards in only the upright position. It doesn’t matter how I pull a card from the deck, I place it upright. The only time I place or read reversals is if I am deliberately choosing to place cards reversed in spreads for cards that represent blockages, harms, etc.

For example, the Four of Cups typically represents stable emotions. If it’s reversed, and you’re ignoring reversals, you’d still read it that way.

In another example, the Queen of Coins typically represents encouraging material possessions. If it’s reversed, and you’re ignoring reversals, you’d still read it that way.

Why do people ignore reversals? The most common reason is a dislike of the negativity that is often associated with reading reversals. Another reason (and the one I believe) is that the upright cards provide for a full life so reversals aren’t necessary in most situations.

#2: Blocked Reversed Tarot Cards

If you choose to read reversals as “blocked” tarot cards it means you’re interpreting the card meaning as if it’s upright but something is standing in the way. There’s a blockage, a guard, something preventing its occurrence, etc.

When I read reversals – which is something I only do deliberately – I typically read them this way. Whatever the card represents, there’s some kind of block on it.

For example, the Four of Cups typically represents stable emotions. If it’s reversed, and you’re reading blocked reversals, you’d interpret it as something blocking/preventing stable emotions in the situation.

In another example, the Queen of Coins typically represents encouraging material possessions. If it’s reversed, and you’re reading blocked reversals, you’d interpret it as something is blocking/preventing the encouragement.

Why do people read blocked reversed tarot cards? Many people believe that when a card appears in a reversed position it must mean something additional to the regular meaning. This choice – a blocked meaning – is their personal interpretation of that additional meaning.

#3: Opposite Reversed Tarot Cards

Some people choose to read reversed tarot cards as the opposite of their upright meaning.

For example, the Four of Cups typically represents stable emotions. If it’s reversed, and you’re reading opposite reversals, you’d interpret it as unstable emotions.

In another example, the Queen of Coins typically represents encouraging material possessions. If it’s reversed, and you’re reading opposite reversals, you’d interpret it as discouraging material possessions.

Why do people read opposite reversed tarot cards? Many people believe that when a card appears in a reversed position it must mean something additional to the regular meaning. This choice – an opposite meaning – is their personal interpretation of that additional meaning.

#4: Negative Reversed Tarot Cards

This is probably the most common way of reading reversals.

When you choose to read reversed tarot cards as negatives, it means you’re interpreting the upright meaning in a very negative manner.

For example, the Four of Cups typically represents stable emotions. If it’s reversed, and you’re reading negative reversals, you’d interpret it as some form of negativity associated with stable emotions. You might interpret this as a complete lack of emotions which is having a negative effect on the situation, it could be profound boredom leading to negative effects, etc.

In another example, the Queen of Coins typically represents encouraging material possessions. If it’s reversed, and you’re reading negative reversals, you might interpret it as excessive encouragement of material possessions likely leading to financial difficulties.

Why do people read negative reversed tarot cards? Many people believe that when a card appears in a reversed position it must mean something additional to the regular meaning. This choice – a negative meaning – is their personal interpretation of that additional meaning.

Practice Reading Reversed Tarot Cards

The best way to choose the reading method that feels right to you is to practice. I’ve made a few simple spread examples (learn more about my five favorite easy 3-card tarot spreads here).

Try practicing each reading using each method of reading reversals so you can see the differences and find the method that feels right to you. Then, share your readings in the comments!

Practice 1:

How to Read Reversed Tarot Cards Example 1

The first practice has:

Practice 2:

How to Read Reversed Tarot Cards Example 2

The second practice has:

Practice 3:

How to Read Reversed Tarot Cards Example 3

The third practice has:

How to Read Reversed Tarot Cards

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There are four common ways to read reversed tarot cards: ignore, block, opposite, or negative. Which one do you prefer?

Don’t miss 5 easy 3-Card Tarot Spreads for Beginners and learn about five spreads you can start using now!


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